Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast
Economic Development Business & Professional Services
The Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast is an innovative, countywide, not-for-profit partnership between the Brevard County Commission and the Space Coast business community. Business leaders, chambers of commerce, local and state government leaders, and community organizations contribute to the overall mission of the EDC.
The EDC is dedicated to attracting new business and investment and expanding existing industry throughout the Space Coast, influencing change on government laws and regulations affecting economic development, promoting the Space Coast to encourage new investment, supporting efforts of Space Coast military installations, and relaying new programs and procedures to assist manufacturing and high tech companies.
To ensure the Space Coast remains globally competitive, the EDC must maintain a keen awareness of the latest industry trends, business intelligence, and competitive advantages. Our program of work molds this knowledge into strategic action items geared toward specific measurables. The program focuses our resources on identifying and promoting our unique qualities, strengths, and advantages and incorporates multiple methodologies to generate and increase top-of-mind awareness.