H.O.T. Yoga On The Island
Personal Services & Care Fitness, Gyms & Yoga
Healing. Original. Therapeutic. Yoga on the Island offers the scientific HOT 26&2 Yoga series of postures developed for injuries and therapy, more than an exercise of poses. It is a powerful healing system scientifically designed to restore and maintain your health and well-being. It is practiced in a a special heated room to work deeper from the inside out.
We offer other classes with less heat or no heat that are therapeutic. Yin Therapeutic Yoga, Inferno Pilates (Hot Butt & Gut), Posture Clinics and Workshops, Karma Beach Yoga and Clean Up on our Adopted Shore with Keep Brevard Beautiful every 3rd SAT at Sunrise, Kids Yoga 1st & 3rd FRI from OCT-MAY 3 PM and Coach students interested in doing 10 to 40 Day Transformation cleanses.
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