Rockledge Country Club
Sports & Recreation Golf
The Golf experience at Rockledge Country Club is one unrivaled in all Central Florida. Established in 1918, Rockledge Country Club was the first course in the area and throughout its storied history has played host to numerous dignitaries including President and Mrs. Warren G. Harding.
Renowned for incredible conditioning and green speeds, Rockledge Country Club's traditional feel and routing make for an enjoyable walking course. Shot-making is critical as the course presents multiple opportunities to work the ball from certain angles for the best scoring opportunities. Four sets of tees provide ample options for play and length in this par 72 layout.
Beyond the 18 hole sprawling golf course, superb dining and a variety of social events await you. We want you to feel at home and enjoy all the new friendships that come with a family owned private country club. Don't forget to check out our splendidly appointed banquet venue for your next event.
As a member of Rockledge Country Club , you will enjoy golf experiences that aren't possible on a public course. You have the option to consider whether you want to walk our very walker friendly course that day or take a cart. Each hole with its unique character and challenges will offer a different and fun experience every time you play.